Client : Mes docteurs
A major player in telemedicine in France, MesDocteurs is launching a major communication campaign to spotlight the no-appointment-needed teleconsultation that is available 24/7.
Today, nearly one in three French citizens has access to Mes Docteurs’ teleconsultation services, no appointment needed.
The Insign Agency put their trust in us for this adventure, which required four days of shooting and a month of production, in total. You know that the pharmacy has a green cross, the hospital has a red cross, and the ambulance a blue cross, now, come and discover telemedicine’s yellow cross! For the record, each cross you see in the film (with the exception of the giant one on the building, which was created using After Effect) required hours of preparation in order to be perfectly aligned with its parallax. Using production jargon, that’s what we would call an “anamorphosis.” This was a huge job for our Head of Design and their team! But it was worth it.
There are more than 3 million views on Youtube.
Agence : Insign
Diffusions : Youtube, Facebook & Instagram.
Matériel technique : Arri Alexa Mini LF
Optiques Zeiss Standard Speed T 2.1
Avec : Faly Valerie, Henri Baudras, Gilles Barty
Frédérick Dimmet, Nicole Kempf, Marjolaine Imber, Aline Fravelle.
Réalisateur : Remy Fournigault
Chef Opérateur : Thierry Le Mer
Chargée de Prod : Léa Roudet
Musique et sound design : Poum Tchak
Assistant réalisateur : Ornella Lantier-Delmastro
Machino : Sacha Benichou
Assistant caméra : Remi Delvern
MUA : Adélaïde Baylac-Domengetroy
Electro : Anthony Cornil
Chef Déco : Ceren Kaya
Assistant déco : Jérome Joubert
Stylist : Claudia Cali
Photographe : Alexis Pazoumian
Conducteur : Sebastien Renault
Drone : Thibault Menu
Postproduction : Sebastien Gillig et Pater/Son
Etalonnage : Steven Leguellec
Montage : Pater/Son